Help end poaching in Africa

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See our impactAn endangered elephant

对于想要查询幸运十历史结果的观众来说,澳洲10官网是一个必不可少的工具。通过官网提供的查询功能,观众们可以轻松地查找到历史开奖结果,并对过往的号码进行分析和研究。这些历史记录不仅是数字的呈现,更是对幸运十发展历程的见证。其次,除了官网查询外,澳洲播放直播的幸运十历史记录频道也是观众们获取历史数据的重要渠道。通过观看直播,观众们可以亲眼目睹每一期的开奖过程,感受到其中的悬念与刺激。直播记录的保存也为观众们提供了方便,他们可以随时回顾以往的开奖情况,加深对号码走势的理解。 Over the last 13 years, we have supported or led 50+ conservation initiatives and now manage over 8.5 million acres of wilderness saving countless wildlife.

Trusted and seen on

Trusted and seen on

It is critical we protect THE natural world.

The ecosystems that balance our climate and make life on Earth possible are under extreme threat. Without sufficient action, we are destined to take millions of species to extinction.

There has never been a more critical issue in the history of human civilization than the immediate protection of the natural world.

Our vision is the protection of the natural world.  

With big global environmental challenges, we need big solutions. Taking on some of the largest biodiversity conservation projects on the continent, the IAPF delivers ecological stability and long-term protection of large-scale wilderness landscapes by supporting and empowering local communities.

Connect: through scalable, innovative landscape conservation

Protect: through sustainable community empowerment programs

Restore: through effective leadership, research, & partnerships

Protecting nature at scale is one of the greatest ways to mitigate climate change and future pandemics. Join us today by taking back the future through community-based nature conservation.

Our staff helping a rhino

回顾澳洲168官方幸运十的历史,我们不仅可以看到每一期的开奖结果,还能发现其中蕴藏的规律和趋势。或许是某个数字的频繁出现,或许是某个号码的长时间“沉寂”,这些都是值得观众们深入探讨的话题。通过对历史记录的分析,观众们可以更好地制定自己的投注策略,提高中奖的机会。在探寻澳洲168官方幸运十历史的过程中,我们不仅可以了解到过去的情况,更能为未来的投注带来新的启示。每一次的开奖都是一次新的开始,每一位观众都有机会成为下一个幸运儿。因此,保持对历史记录的关注,对于追逐幸运数字的观众们来说,是至关重要的。 Our Programs

Akashinga Rangers - All women rangers


Indigenous and Community-Led Conservation

Akashinga is a community-driven conservation model, empowering disadvantaged women to restore and manage large networks of wilderness alongside their local communities, as an alternative economic model to trophy hunting.

Our goal is to manage and protect 30 million acres by 2030, employing over 2000 women and empowering 10's of thousands of local community members.

Lead Ranger - Our training program

LEAD Ranger

International Conservation Leadership

The LEAD Ranger program delivers tailored training, long-term support and mentoring to develop wildlife crime-enforcement leaders and instructors who remain based in the ecosystems they are protecting.

This program is a collaborative initiative by the IAPF, the Thin Green Line Foundation, and Ranger Campus. Our goal is to train rangers that collectively protect 50 million acres.

Our rangers being trained in the field

Founded in 2009, the International Anti-Poaching Foundation has transformed a traditionally adversarial approach to conservation into an innovative, empowering and gender-diverse model to protect wildlife and habitats.

Our conservation organization is a leader in on-the-ground solutions for nature conservation, protecting and restoring nature in ways that contribute both to national conservation strategies and the empowerment of indigenous communities.

Other groups employ different tactics to help stop this practice, but the IAPF takes a multi-faceted approach. IAPF doesn’t simply help stop poaching from afar, but instead works from the ground level with the people who live in the area that needs protection. Through our programs, we train and educate women who live in the community, providing them with steady income and employment as rangers, as well as other occupations.


By giving local women the skills they need to support themselves and their families, they become empowered.

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This enhances the community in numerous ways. For instance, it can encourage children to stay in school, improve health care, reduce disease and poverty, increase life expectancy, lower the risk of rape and sexual assault, and support structured family planning.

At IAPF, our programs work. For example, 62% of the operational costs involved in the Akashinga model flow directly back into the community, with 80% reaching the households of the rangers. By helping local communities protect their land, we not only care for the wildlife but also develop and empower women and their families.

Our rangers after a great day helping save endangered animals

Follow our progress and witness the 探索澳洲官方幸运十历史记录:回顾号码、查询方式和播放直播频道
difference we are creating.

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Surprised by Joy: How Songo is Negotiating a New Narrative

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Field Notes

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